Care bears is a painting painted by an artist named Elena Kucharik in the 19th century. There are a few books, films, comics, television, and web series based on these. Interestingly, there are names for these care bears. The famous ones are the bedtime bear, wish bear, cheer bear, birthday bear, tender heart bear, good luck bear, grumpy bear, and love a lot. Later these care bears were called to be teddy bears. These are the things that are unmissable in any toy collection. They are huggable, making a person feel much better from being alone.
1. “Everything grows better with love.”
It seems to be a simple sentence. But as a heavy sac behind it. Generally, a parent is responsible for meeting the child’s needs. But it takes much more love to make that child a better and complete person. If you like a rose on the plant, you will pluck it. If you love the rose, you will pour water.
2. “Care more than you need to, more than expected, and more complete than others.”
The attention and care that you show to other people makes them feel special and shows your affection towards them. Care can heal, and also it is a blessing to have cared. Sometimes, care can be medicine and therapy for an injured soul.
3. “Making a million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to create a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.”
Thanks to social media, anyone can now be friends with one click, irrespective of numerous aspects. But that is only a number. Friendship is a bonding. A friend is a person who will be with you in all your highs and lows. You might be low, and everybody might be against you. No matter, even a friend is not there in the best moments. A true friend will be with you to guide you in a better way and give comfort at the worst times. Get that one friend and try not to lose at any cost.
4. “You have permission to rest. You are not responsible for fixing everything that is broken. You do not need to try and make everyone happy. For now, take time for yourself. It’s time to replenish.”
Sometimes monotony covers up in every direction. Or times might be hectic and filled up with pressure and stress. Then indeed, one feels to take a break. Also, it is good. That might not bring any tremendous changes. But it gives solace. One need not handle all the things and persons perfectly in every manner. So it is better to think of oneself first.
5. “A lot of people must have suddenly stopped caring.”
Seasons and persons often change. The priorities of a person might shift from time to time. There might be many reasons. Maybe sometimes we are mistaken in understanding the other person. The best example is a mother. The mother cares for her kids more than the husband. It is not that she loves him lesser, but it is the point that kids are entirely dependent on her. This might not be the same with other relationships. But the better thing is to accept and move on rather than annoy and shout.
6. “People push to your limits. But when you finally explode and fight back, you are the mean one.”
As per physics, there is a breaking point to anything. There will be a full stop to every sentence. Similarly, there is an endpoint to the patience of any person. Some might lose patience for simple things also. But no one should ever be pressured in such a way to burst out and get annoyed. Better not to poke anyone beyond limits.
7. “There is beggary in the love that can be reckoned.”
People say a fancy word called unconditional love. , But it is only a fictional word found in stories, books, and movies. Even love expects something in return in reality. If we love nature, we like to see pleasant things and scenic beauty, which gives us happiness. So there is expectation. If we love pets, we expect them to reciprocate. There is no doubt that love between two persons has expectations.
8. “Self-love is the best love.”
Being in love with anyone or anything other than oneself will hurt at some point. So the only person who cannot harm your emotions is yourself. Loving oneself does not mean being a complete introvert but making yourself a priority, which gives you self-respect. It helps a person to be a better human being. It involves self-care, grooming, and learning new skills or art forms. This unfolds the hidden and unique talent of any person.
9. “Love does not consist of gazing at each other but looking together in the same direction.”
There are numerous and personalized definitions of love. One among those is this. Two individuals having the same interests or hobbies is quite common. But having the same opinions, thought processes, and ideology is not so common. That is the main reason for many compatibility issues in couples. They stand for one decision taken by anyone of both who needs a little adjustability from either side on many points.
10. “Love is not just an emotion, and it is your very existence.”
We are not independent but interdependent. Every person, at every point in time, needs a companion. Childhood needs parents or guardians and friends. Middle age needs a life partner and kids. Old age needs a contemporary company. So always a person to love and be loved is the very need for everyone. It is the sole thing that drives humanity. So love is undoubtedly more than an emotion.
11. “Some people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, your pain a little easier, and your life just a little better.”
In every person’s life, there will be some people who make their life complete. We do not need to give any explanations or assurances. They believe you. They read your thoughts without practice. Call them friends, relatives, life partners, parents, or even kids. But attaining that state with atleast one person is more complicated: no jealousy, no negativity, only a boost up.
12. “Sometimes you don’t need the latest, shiniest, best things to be happy. All you need is a best friend and a big hug.”
Things might be valuable and make you comfortable. But a worthy person can make you smile or laugh. A friend is like an oasis in the desert of life. One can open up and speak about all their woes and sorrows. Only they do not make fun of the situation. That alone makes a person relieved from burdens. Finally, things are to be used, and persons are to be loved. Unfortunately, we do the opposite.
13. “Sometimes we are so stuck in our comfort zone that we forget to deserve much more.”
Being comfortable is also sometimes not good. We need to come out of the box and think. Are we what we thought of? A question to be kept to oneself. Many times the answer might be no. But atleast are we in a productive manner or worthy for ourselves atleast? A point where we get stuck might not be the end. The only thing is it is also a period. We need to put a little effort into coming out with our initiative.
14. “I am happy to be me. I may not be perfect. But I am honest, loving, and comfortable. I do not try to be what I am not, and I do not try to impress anyone.”
Generally, in most of life, many people only think of impressing others. Be it parents, partners, friends or relatives, or anyone else. That is the crucial time being wasted. Try to impress yourself first. The point lies in inner peace and calmness. If you start to excel yourself, you do not need anyone else. As that, itself gives an immense pleasure. And this is one of the secrets of highly effective people. They do not bother others much. Count your happiness and honesty.
15. “Love what you have. Need what you want. Accept what you receive. Give what you can. Always remember, what goes around, comes around.”
Things might not be as planned always. So the ups and downs are standard everywhere. Life is like an ECG graph. A straight line means no life. Everyone will have needs, wants, and luxuries. So needs and wants are to be fulfilled. Do not regret the past. Keep in mind all the lessons that your bad experiences have taught you. But never cry over spilled milk. Live in the present and be yourself come what may. The reality may be harsh. But try to learn to be realistic than pretend. Do not think of what you cannot and what is beyond your limit.
16. “Big thinking precedes great achievement.”
You must let your “visions” flow freely if you want to succeed in any field. Write down any thoughts, aspirations, or wishes as they occur, and set aside some time each day to reflect on them. They grow more distinct as you proceed, and strategies for achieving them will surface.
17. “Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.”
It is possible to make a sacrifice for a human life or simply out of ritual or religion. Some people are always willing to go above and beyond for others in order to ensure their success. Because of their respect and love for one another and mankind, some people are even prepared to give their life in order to save those who are less fortunate.
18. “Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.”
Life gives opportunities to everyone, its up to us how we see it and utilize it. Making assumptions and forecasts about life is not how life will be in the future. Life must be lived if it is to be lived, and if it is to be lived, it must be in the now, not in the past or the future.
19. “If you’re going through hell, keep going.
Nothing is ever constant in life, if a person is going through a bad phase, then he must know that better days will come. There is always a day after night, face everything with positive attitude.
20. “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.”
Managing the choppy waves is difficult; sailing in calm waters is not. When the sailor is given this task, even if he fails the first time, it teaches him what to do and what not to do the following time. The sailor gains experience as a result and can now sail in both calm and turbulent waters with equal ease. Similar to that, we must not give up in life when we encounter challenges; instead, we must view them as opportunities to learn.