Best Quotes About Favoritism In Family That Will Make You Rethink Your Childhood

Favouritism is the act of treating someone unfairly more favourably than someone else. Favouritism is the act of giving people preferential treatment. Favouritism occurs in a variety of settings, including the home, the workplace, schools, and other places.

You might occasionally feel as though others are ignoring you or don’t particularly like you. Due to the prevalence of favouritism, many people openly admit to engaging in it. The best favouritism quotes are included below. Favouritism frequently lowers a teammate’s motivation, leadership, and initiative.

Leaders are typically the ones who openly display favouritism, frequently demonstrating a lack of respect for the team members. Treating people fairly and equally is preferable because favouritism typically has a negative impact on everyone involved. Here are a few quotes about favouritism that will undoubtedly get you to consider the topic.

1. “It is horrifyingly obvious now that getting more attention isn’t necessarily favouritism.”- Anonymous


Anything that even remotely implies the possibility of favouritism starts to undermine public confidence.

2. “It’s not politically correct to say that you love one child more than you love the others.”- Anonymous

Favouritism is inevitable at various points during the parenting process, even though very few parents prefer one child to another.

3. “When something upends the equilibrium when one child needs you more than the others, that imbalance becomes a black hole.”- Anonymous

You can never have confidence in yourself through drugs, money, favouritism, or any other factor.

4. “Parents are humans, and we often have children that we can relate to better, maybe have a personality that’s more like ours or interests that are more similar to ours.”- Anonymous

In fact, corruption, favouritism, and bribery took many different forms and were pervasive throughout society, not just in politics.

5. “If children feel there is some favouritism going on in the family, it can potentially create some real problems.”- Anonymous

I must consider each person’s needs and try my best to treat everyone fairly in order to avoid outright favouritism. This implies that not everyone should be treated equally. But then, wouldn’t I seem to be favouring some people over others to some outside observers?

 6. “It doesn’t necessarily mean that parents should treat each kid exactly equally because it’s unlikely the kids need the same thing.”- Anonymous

A culture of trust cannot be established by leaders who show favouritism at work.

7.  “No drug or amount of money or favouritism can ever make you believe in yourself.”- Anonymous

The incredible honour of holding the state’s highest offices is bestowed upon us. We need to earn the trust of the people we represent. We must earn the public’s trust by consistently prioritizing fairness over favouritism and acting in the best interests of the general public.

8. “We have the incredible privilege of serving in the highest offices in the state.” We must prove ourselves worthy of our fellow citizens’ faith in us. We must be trusted to always place the public’s good above our own and to always choose fairness over favouritism. “- Anonymous

When it comes to interacting with or working with someone, you will inherently favour one person over another. Denying your humanity entails denying any favouritism you may have for other people.

9. “Favoritism is always a factor, and pressure always builds for the appointment of friends of influential supporters of the President or for the nominees of powerful members of Congress from the incoming President’s party.”- Anonymous


Having someone as a family means that you genuinely care about them and would go to great lengths for them; having someone as a family does not mean that you are related to them genetically. It’s the type of bond you hold together.

10. “Favouritism manifests itself in all departments of government, public and private. It is harder to avoid because it is so natural. “- Anonymous

Every family is not ideal. We quarrel, we fight, and occasionally we even stop communicating with one another, but in the end, family is family, and love will always be present.

11. ” Some of the old refs have favouritism toward some of the fighters that are currently fighting. There should be a changing of the guard with the refs, the same way there is with fighters. “- Anonymous

A perfect family doesn’t exist. We fight and quarrel. We even stopped talking to each other at times. Though ultimately. Families are Families… The love will always be there.

12. “I am a great foe of favouritism in public life, in private life, and even in the delicate relationship of an author to his works.”- Anonymous

Our family is a strong, loving group of people. Our family is a circle of strength, and every crisis we face as a family makes the circle stronger. With every birth and every union, the circle expands.

13. “If parasitism, favouritism, corruption, and greed for the unearned did not exist, a mixed economy would bring them into existence.”- Anonymous

A broken family doesn’t actually exist. Marriage licenses, divorce decrees, and adoption certificates do not define a family; a family is a family. The heart is where family formation begins. Family only loses its meaning when the emotional ties are severed.

14. “It is horrifyingly obvious now that getting more attention isn’t necessarily favouritism.”- Anonymous

Every family has disagreements and fights. At times, we even stop communicating with one another, but in the end, family is family, and the love will never fade.

 15. “Anything that suggests the possibility of favouritism really begins to work against public confidence.”- Anonymous

I am undoubtedly biased if I treat everyone the same way because everyone is different.

 16. “Leaders who practice favouritism in the workplace have no chance to build a culture of trust.”- Anonymous

Moms stick to everything. They keep the family together even when they are invisible.

17. ” I don’t want to be your favourite or your best. I want to be your only and forget the rest. ” – Anonymous


If you can’t reflect on having shown love and care to your own family, what have you really accomplished, regardless of what you’ve done for yourself or for humanity?

18. “Fate is never too generous, even to its favourites. “Rarely do the gods grant a mortal more than one immortal deed.” – Anonymous

Family… Our lives may branch out in different directions like a tree, but our roots will always be connected.

19. “In many fields of the administration of interventionist measures, favouritism simply cannot be avoided.” – Anonymous

No matter what, family is the most important part of our lives. Eventually, we can always count on it. We can always rely on our family, which is the most important aspect of our lives.

20. “Always remember that others may hate you, but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.” – Anonymous

There is no such thing as the perfect… Every family has a distinct set of strengths and weaknesses that make it special in its own combination of strengths and weaknesses.

21. “Everyone has their favourite criminals. Mine are pimps. We can all rob a bank. We can all sell drugs. Being a pimp is a whole other thing. “- Anonymous

To all the families who took time out of their lives to help my family and me, I want you all to know that you are in my heart, and I am very thankful for all that you have done for me. Moreover, there are a lot of people in need, and I pray to God that he will watch over your family for helping my family.

22. “Princess Margaret: Pride and joy. “Remember?” What did Papa call us? Elizabeth: Yes. “Elizabeth is my pride, and Margaret is my joy.” Margaret: But Margaret’s my joy.” -Margaret

You, therefore, believe you may have finally found the special someone you’ve been looking for. Moreover, pay close attention to their unique relationship with their family and how important or special they view it, starting with the time they spend with them, the minutes and hours being the most crucial, and everything else will fall into place. The best gift anyone could give their family, especially their children, is their time. Eventually, if, for no good reason, they are spending it somewhere else when family should be their speciality and top priority, consider where you’ll be when you’re with that special someone. If the family isn’t put first, where do you think you’ll be? Let them find who they deserve and move on.

23. “It is horrifyingly obvious now that getting more attention doesn’t necessarily mean favouritism.” – Anonymous

In the heart, the family is the nation. Eventually, there is an angel in the family who, through some unfathomable combination of grace, sweetness, and love, makes carrying out obligations more bearable and sorrows less unpleasant. The only pure joy is unmixed with sadness.

24. “Parents are humans, and we often have children that we can relate to better – maybe have a personality that’s more like ours or interests that are more similar to ours.” – Anonymous

No household is faultless. Moreover, we quarrel, we fight, and occasionally we even stop communicating with one another, but in the end, family is family. The love will always be there.

25. “Parents may not even realize they are doing it – such as laughing only at one child’s jokes – Or letting them get away with things that their siblings can’t.” – Anonymous

The players frequently enter and perform about as well as they could have, while occasionally, they enter as favourites and fail to prevail.

26. “While some experts believe growing up with a little competition isn’t a bad thing, too much could create a wedge between siblings that could last a lifetime.” – Anonymous

Love is the glue that holds families together, the oil that reduces conflict, and the music that promotes harmony in a family.

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