Peaky Blinders Arthur Shelby Quotes About Violence, Sadness, Emotions and Despair

Our hearts are shaped by the phrases Arthur Shelby has spoken. And the enduring quotes he has shared with us many times. We have Peaky Blinders as Shelby Brothers and their associates friends and enemies. We see they often deliver memorable, sometimes quite vulnerable but often beautiful words. Certain quotes are longer than the show themselves.

And here is a list of Quotes by Arthur Shelby.

Arthur Shelby Quotes on Violence, Sadness and Despair

It is no doubt that Arthur Shelby is one of the most violent member of the family. And the violent acts deeply impact their lifestyle and outlook to world. It also gives them a unique voice. But the tv show also shows their desire to recover government weapons for selfish reasons.

1. “Who Wants To Be In Heaven When You Can Be Sending Men To F****g Hell?” – Arthur Shelby

Arthur initially has a phobia of going to Russia. Especially when Father Hughes orders them to destroy a railway for the sake of their country. John offers it but Arthur insists he is not afraid of heaven. Watching Arthur develop an inner conscience is quite surprising. Mostly because he has never been known for renouncing violent actions. Like many gangsters, Shelby’s older brother wants to keep his reputation strong but doesn’t feel weak; this is what he quickly insist upon if John offers to do this.

2. “I Heard The Blackbird Sing.” – Arthur Shelby

Vicente Changretta incurred all the costs in arranging Grace Shelby’s shooting. Tommy originally planned a torture program. One that would torture him throughout his whole life until blackbirds sounded at dawn. Instead, he shoots Arthur and explains he’s listened to the black-bird sing loudly. Arthur’s lack of patience and calmness have always been a challenge for Shelby’s family. Arthur’s act is so unfavorable that his actions ruin his enjoyment. Also since Vicente’s troubles deserve severe punishment. Shooting him seems to give him the best option of escape.

3. “I am a good man. But my hands…These Hands Belong To The Devil.” – Arthur Shelby

Linda disappears at a moment when everyone is worried. He soon discovers a woman is hiding him and sends the location back to Arthur. Upon the man saying Linda’s address Arthur assaults him and cuts him with the blade. He was not present in some seasons. But Arthur’s regretfulness increases with each episode progress. He regretted killing a guy to find his mother. Besides being delusional, he also shows his delusions. he also has the most kills on the show.

4. “If You’re Going To Use It, You Better Point That Thing At My Head. That’s Where The Trouble Is.” – Arthur Shelby

For a moment it appears Arthur is hesitant. Like the time when the Peaky Blinders played by Paddy Considini asks him to blow a train. That too, to create conditions for Moscow. Upon hearing that John Shelby offered to blow the car up, Arthur took control of this situation. And then what happens? Eventually he decided on doing it. And he announced that Heaven was not interested for someone to be sent to Hell.

5. “In the end, it’s God who pulls that f*cking trigger anyway. We don’t get to decide who lives and who dies, Finn. Not us. You just have to flick a switch.” — Arthur Shelby

We see how hopeless Arthur gets. And that is one of the results of the violent life they lead. Well, it is not just him in that life. The violence consumes his people. And not to forget his family and the business they run. It is not hidden from anyone how much of bloodshed happens in that family trade. Barring that, it is a possibility that somewhere deep down, they be craving for peace.

We can take it for sure that the deeds affect their own life. But the complex character of Shelby family from eldest son to grieving mother is exceptional. Paul Anderson does an outstanding work. He puts on display the darkness and sadness that prevails in people’s lives.

Arthur Shelby Quotes on Emotions

Emotions is one of that aspect, which this filmy lacks. Especially when it comes to displaying it. And the same goes for this Shelby too. We can say, that it runs in the family. But what we often miss out on, is how they express it. Coz they too show it, but in their own way. And that is something we often miss.

6.“I’m Emotional, I Just Don’t Know What F***g Emotion It Is.” – Arthur Shelby

And is this not an issue we all have faced in our lives at one point of time! well, there are reasons why show is a hit and why we love drooling over these characters. One major reason is the relatability they share with our lives. The difficulty in expressing emotion! We all have been there !

7.“I’m gonna finish my drink, you can finish it with me if you like.” – Arthur Shelby

And this is nothing but a cry for company. Sure, we are surrounded by people all day. And the same is true for Arthur. But to have a company one can rely on. One can be vulnerable around!

8.“My Heart Is A Battered Vessel, But Within, There Still Beats A Fluttering Pulse Of A Dream.” – Arthur Shelby

Then Arthur tries to convince Shelby father Arthur Jr. that he has a huge opportunity. One that everybody will be pleased with. Arthur trusts it and offers him money. And by saying his dreams for business have never changed. Although he’s beautiful in that sentence it shows Arthur’s apathy towards intelligence. Arthur Sr. savagely savaged him. It has never happened to his brothers Arthur. The evidence remains. His generosity for the family also poses problems.

9.“I Know Who I Am, Linda. I Know Who I am And I’m Alright With It.” – Arthur Shelby

Linda becomes dismayed that Arthur doesn’t have much to do with Shelby’s management. She believes Tommy uses Arthur and proposes he should address the issue. Arthur disagrees. The trope of a woman. That, for manipulating her lowly gangster husband. In order to become a gangster boss appears frequently in movies and television programs. The most famous instance is found in The Sopranos. We see Janice tries manipulating her husband Richie to overthrow Tony’s government. Luckily for Tommy his devotion to him is much higher. More than the others so he doesn’t consider it.

So it becomes important that we pay attention to the details. There is a lot of emotions that the Shelby family keeps hidden inside of them. And they sure has reasons for it. Well, surely they don’t want to display their soft side. But only coz they know they will be take advantage of.

Arthur Shelby Quotes on Family and Life

Now this is a genre which is ruled by Shelbys. We see them taking the extra mile for their families. And we should not expect anything less. After all, the business is run by the family itself. And they are good at the thing they do. So it is only obvious that they will have some great quotes of family and life.

10. “First a few words from the heart. My brother, Tommy helped me survive through some of the worst times. Even though the circumstances of their union was tragic.” – Arthur Shelby

Take lessons people. This is how you give credit to someone. Even if you are plotting to go against them . We see how Arthur is expressing gratitude to Tommy for saving his life.

11. “This Place Is Under New Management By Order Of The Peaky Blinders.” – Arthur Shelby

Tommy Shelby has always had enemies. And Darby Sabini has learned it hard as Arthur leads his men to destroy a company, Eden Club. He confronts his management and declares the nighttime venue belongs to peak blinders.

12. “Fast Women And Slow Horses Will Ruin Your Life.” – Arthur Shelby

Arthur gives Tommy some advice about his interest in Grace. According to him, the only thing he is focusing on is finding his ideal race horse for the race. But Shelby has a significant investment in it. Tommy is not known for respecting Arthur’s opinion despite being not wise. This is ignored because Tommy is deeply in love with Grace. The decision he made comes when Grace works undercover for the British police.

13. “When you’re dating a blinder you don’t have to obey the rules.” – Arthur Shelby

Arthur goes to the movie with two women who say they’re a great advantage. Especially for securing a relationship with a Shelby family member. If he gets into a queue. Then, just before the incident Arthur is arrested by Inspector Campbell. It happens in an attempt at the snatch of government weaponry.

14. “Good shot soldiers take off a day to die. I’ve seen them walking around with their guts in their arms like dirty washing.” – Arthur Shelby

Talk of embrace violence in everyday life and living with it. We see that Arthur too is a person of tough love. He prefers people who eat up with pain and drink up their emotions.

15. “We’re kings! Kings of the f*cking world!” – Arthur Shelby

The occurrence of this infamous statement is made famous with Arthurs gruff voice. Arthur will destroy his business. Especially since he has no respect for Tommy when he attacks them with his own guns.

The Shelby company limited is a family business, including players like Grace Shelby and many more. They be bribing even Deputy Vice President to stay shut. Sure, Cillian Murphy is the star. But we do see that Arthur attacks him eventually. The world is messed. So is this family. But they see life at close.

16. “In the end, it’s God who pulls that fucking trigger anyway. We don’t get to decide who lives and who dies, Finn. Not us. You just have to flick a switch.”-Arthur Shelby

The first point of life is death. Because life and death are similar to breathing in and breathing out, if you don’t grasp death, you’ll never know it and you won’t be able to bear it. We can’t control everything, its the God has its control over everything, who is guiding us.

17. “Make it happen. Shock everyone.” – Arthur Shelby

If you don’t work extremely hard to make your thoughts and ambitions a reality for yourself, they mean nothing. You get out of life what you put into it, so if we want to see any results, we must be proactive and begin working toward those objectives.

18.  “There is good in my heart, but these hands belong to the devil.” – Arthur Shelby

Certain characteristics are crucial because they encourage harmonious interpersonal relations by averting misunderstandings and conflicts. A nice person treats everyone equally and without prejudice. He is a good person from heart and trying to tell people what he is from inside.

19. “I’m an old man and my heart’s battered vessel, but within, there still beats a fluttering pulse of a dream.” – Arthur Shelby

Young people who are motivated stay motivated in their later years. When seniors are in good health and are surrounded by family and friends, they experience life just as youthfully. The fundamental distinction is that as you become older, you become less concerned with trying to impress people because you no longer need to. You value and live in the present since that is all you have.

20. “We’re kings! Kings of the fucking world!” – Arthur Shelby

It sounds like a dream come true to have everything you’ve ever wanted and so much more. Imagine holding the entire world in the palm of your hand, as if it were a miniature globe that contained every person on the planet. That is how having all that power available to you anytime you want it would feel like being a king.

What is the famous saying on Peaky Blinders?

“Do not f*** up on those high-glazing eyes” – all but most notably Polly Grey. The often appearing lines on the series have also become iconic on the television show. They be a hit Bruh!

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