We have got so many fans of Thomas Shelby and Thomas Shelby is probably one of the best TV series characters we have ever seen. The character is super strong and he knows how to deal with difficult situations. The series Peaky Blinders have a huge fan base due to its amazing story line and the cast is also amazing which makes the series even better. The character of Thomas Shelby has some amazing quotes which will make you fall in love with the character more.
In this article we will share with you some of the most amazing Thomas Shelby quotes about love which will make you fall in love with the character again and if you want to know more then please continue reading this article as we will share some of the most amazing Thomas Shelby quotes.
1. “You strike when your enemy is weak”
This is an amazing quote from the series Peaky Blinders which is said by Thomas Shelby as he says that you should strike your enemy is weak and not strong as it may help you to win the fight. You can share this quote on Instagram and Facebook or you can also use it as a caption for your photo. If you want you can also share this quote with your friends which is a great idea. This is a kind of quote which gives you a good idea to defeat your enemy or someone with whom you want to fight with. This is the best Thomas Shelby quote.
2. “He looked at me the wrong way. It’s not a good idea to look at Thomas Shelby the wrong way”
This is another badass quote of Thomas Shelby and this quote just can make anyone feel great. The meaning of the quote is that you should never look at Thomas Shelby in the wrong way as it can be a very bad thing and this quote is like a warning as he says that it is not a good to look at him in the wrong way. One of the finest Thomas Shelby quotes as it shows the potential of his character which is amazingly dominating.
3. “She’s in the past. The past is not my concern. The future is no longer my concern, either”
The meaning of this quote is that Thomas Shelby loved a girl who is not with him anymore so he says that she is in the past and not in the present with him and in the future she is not my concern either. This quote is badass and it also shows Thomas Shelby’s cold attitude towards life which is amazing. This one is a Thomas Shelby love quote and it can make some people even sad but this should always be the attitude when it comes to heartbreaks.
4. “Lies travel faster than the truth”
The meaning of this quote is amazing and the quote means that truth does not matter and it travels slower but lies travel faster as people love stories that are fake and not true. The quote is very deep and this quote cannot be ignored while watching this series. The series has some of the best quotes which are inspiring and amazing. You can also feel inspired after seeing the character of Thomas Shelby. Overall the series is great and so are the quotes.
5. “The only way to guarantee peace is by making the prospect of war seem hopeless”
In order to gain peace the only guaranteed way is to stop war as it is very hopeless. The idea of war is really bad. This quote has a very deep meaning. The quote shows how dull the idea of war is which is ultimately hopeless as it says that the prospect of war seem hopeless. This is an amazing quote and can be considered as one of the best Thomas Shelby quotes. You can also share this quote on Instagram. Stopping war is guarantee peace.
6. “You don’t Parley when you’re on the Back Foot”
Tommy has always been the head of the Shelby companies and he always has something in his sleeves. If he is one with a disadvantage he will never negotiate. He always hold something in form of leverage to threaten his own enemies and always gain more power or rather the upper hand and that is why you do not back foot. The quote shows Thomas Shelby’s power and strength. The character is amazing and has so much of power in him. Dominance is a very important character that Thomas Shelby acquires.
7. “I can charm dogs. Gypsy Witchcraft, and those I can’t charm I can kill with my own hands”
The meaning of this quote is that Thomas Shelby can charm anyone he can even charm a dog and gypsy witchcraft and if there is someone who cannot charm he can kill those people with their own hands. This quote is very savage and can be considered as one of the best Thomas Shelby quotes. You can share this quote with your friends too as this quote is amazing.
8. “Five for peace, two for truce, one abstention. Let’s get on with the war”
The meaning of this quote is very deep and the meaning is that five people basically voted for peace two for Truce and one abstention where they literally did not care to vote for. It is more like the end where they want to fight or rather get ready for a war. This is a very amazing quote which his actually really great.
9. “Good taste is for people who can’t afford sapphires”
The meaning of this quote is that a good taste is only for the people who cannot afford sapphires or rather valuable things. This quote shows the arrogant side of Thomas Shelby’s character which is great. He is very self confident. According to him in order to have very valuable thing a man has to have a good taste no matter what so that he can praise the thing that is valuable. The Peaky blinders is a must watch show for everyone. Thomas Shelby’s character is also highly intelligent and knows to keep calm during bad times.
10. “A man needs to prove he is better than me, rather than show me his birth certificate”
In order to please Thomas Shelby a man needs to prove him rather than just showing a birth certificate that he is a man. A man needs to prove himself that he is man otherwise Thomas Shelby just don’t believe. This is a very savage quote from the movie and can be used as a caption on Instagram and Facebook. Thomas Shelby is an amazing character. The character has also inspired a lot of people.
11. “If you apologize once, you do it again and again. Like taking bricks out of the wall of your fucking house”
The meaning of this quote is that we human beings have a policy of doing things again and again in spite of apologizing once. It is mostly like taking bricks from your own house and ruining it. It is a very bad habit of repeating the wrong things and apologizing. The quote is very savage. This is one of the best Thomas Shelby quotes. You can share this quotes on Instagram and Facebook.
12. “Fortune drops something valuable into your lap, you don’t just dump it on The Bank of The Cut”
This one is also a very badass quote with a deep meaning where he says that for everyone fortune drops something valuable into your lap which is always something that is very valuable. You never dump it in the bank or in the cut. This quote can be used as a caption for your photo. An amazing quote by Thomas Shelby which just makes us feel good. This quote is very savage. You can also share this on instagram and with your friends.
13. “Conviction introduces emotion, which is the enemy of oratory”
This quote is a very badass quote and also very savage. This was said when he met Winston Churchill who basically praised him for the speech which was wonderful. Then later on he asks if he believes that it true or not and Thomas Shelby said no as he thinks that if he is emotionally attached to anything it makes it very hard to talk about. This quote is very bad ass and it also shows the nature of Thomas Shelby’s character.
14. “The one minute. The soldier’s minute. In a battle, that’s all you get. One minute of everything at once. And everything before is nothing. Everthing after, nothing. Nothing in comparison to that one minute”
The quote is very deep and is probably one of the best Thomas Shelby quotes. The quote means that a soldier gets only one minute for once and everything before that is just like nothing and that one minute cannot be compared. This quote is amazing and you can share this with your friends or you can share it on Facebook and Instagram.
15. “Whisky’s good proofing water. It tells you who is real and who isn’t”
The meaning of this quote is that whisky’s good proofing water as it tells us who is the real person and who is not as when we are drunk we tend to tell people the things that are true, so in that context he said that whiskey can proof who is wrong and who is right and who is telling us the true things. This quote has a very deep meaning. Whiskey over here is considered to be a good thing as it helps in terms of proving the right and wrong.
16. “All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question”
According to Thomas Shelby religion is a foolish thing as it has all the foolish answer to the foolish question. Thomas Shelby does not believe in any kinds of religion and he believes in humanity which is a great thing and it shows his nature. This quote is amazing and it can be considered as one of the best Thomas Shelby quotes. You can use this quotes on Instagram as captions or you can also share them with your friends as these quotes are amazing just like the character of Thomas Shelby.
17. “I don’t pay for suits. My suits are on the house or the house burns down”
Thomas Shelby never pays for the suits. He says that his suits are in the house and if the suits are not there then the house burns down. This quote is very savage and badass. The character of Thomas Shelby is very bad ass and this one of the best Thomas Shelby quotes from the series Peaky Blinders. The series is amazing and everyone should watch it once as it has some amazing quotes, storyline and characters. Thomas Shelby is probably one of the best TV series characters we have ever seen.
18. “I imagine being shot by a woman hurts the same as being shot by a man. Just a bit more shameful”
This is one of the best Tomas Shelby quotes which has a very deep meaning and the meaning of this quote is that if he gets shot by a woman it will hurt him the same if a man shoot him but if a woman shoot him it will be very shameful as he thinks so. Maybe he thinks that women are soft and caring but they can shoot someone if it is necessary. This quote can make us feel sad too. At last some of the women hurts.
19. “Today, it will be me dead or you. But whoever it is, he’ll wake up in hell tomorrow”
The meaning of the quote is very deep and the quote means that either of the one will die but whoever dies will not wake up in the hell as there is only hell tomorrow. According to Thomas Shelby neither of them goes to heaven just because of their karma and this is one of the deep meaning Tomas Shelby quotes. The situation is also a do or die kind of situation as he says that either of them will die today and will wake up in hell tomorrow.
20. “I’m not a traitor to my class. I am just an extreme example of what a working man can achieve”
This quote was said by Thomas Shelby and the meaning of this quote is that Thomas Shelby is not a kind of man who will betray his own class and he said that he is just an extreme example of a working class man who can achieve anything he wants to and this quote shows the willpower of Thomas Shelby who is just an amazing character and we have got so much to learn from him. The character is very strong and unshakeable.
The Show’s Best Moments in Peaky Blinders
1. “This place is under new management.”
An classic moment from Peaky Blinders, where the group storms a bar and declares it theirs, wonderfully encapsulates Arthur’s persona. Of course, they take it violently. The show’s core themes revolve around the music, the slow motion, and the horrible violence that occurs here. This is a magnificent shot sequence that delights at every turn and concludes with a cheeky smile from Arthur as he watches the mayhem (that he caused) take place in front of his eyes.
2. Grace’s Death
Grace and Tommy fall in love when everything works against their odd union. As they begin to grow their family, it becomes apparent how different the Peaky Blinder’s boss is as a result of having the love of his life by his side. Her passing was therefore shocking to admirers and difficult to witness. The audience can see the Shelby brothers killing the assassin, Polly racing for assistance, and Ada in full disbelief as the close-up of Tommy screaming and clutching Grace slowly widens.
3. Tommy vs. The Italians
Tommy and the Italians finally engage in combat in a thrilling shooting scene. Tommy, according to Changretta, was in his palm. The Peaky Blinder, however, was prepared to attack and had planned what appeared to be an ambush for himself; instead, he actually ambushed the Italians with machine guns that were equally as potent as theirs. With amazing cinematographic choices like the blood-splattered, flowing white bedsheets and the constant action in unexpected places.
4. Arthur Avenges Aunt Polly
Peaky Blinders features a lot of gunfight scenes. Because of this, the programme had to constantly reinvent itself and strive to be cutting-edge and cinematic. The dramatic retaliation for Aunt Polly’s murder occurs in the concluding episode of the gangster show’s final season. Arthur is able to make the individuals who killed her pay with gas masks and cunning ambushes and, perhaps, finally find the peace of mind he so sorely wanted.
5. Charlie Gets Kidnapped
What starts off as a friendly gathering turns into the kidnapping of Thomas’ son. The sequence develops tension quickly and may continue to do so because to the quick cutting, the foreshadowing, and eventually the realisation of how quickly things can go wrong. Since viewers have seen Thomas Shelby go through hell and back before without losing his cool, seeing him throw up out of sheer panic at the thought of what they would do to his child adds multiple levels to the character and circumstance.