Rap is a growing form of music delivery that comes under the category of Hip-Hop music, and there are a lot of rappers in today’s world that can get your feet moving. One such rapper that comes into mind is American rapper Larry June, who is quite an underrated performer even though he has been in the industry for quite some time now. The way he sings motivational and romantic rap in a somehow soothing way is truly a blessing for the ears. He has worked with a lot of influential people, including Post Malone. Let’s take a look at them! As good as his music is, his many quotes are significant and give us an overview of how intellectual of a person he is.
1. “I might take another L. I ain’t been the same.”
These words are from June’s one of the catchiest songs, ‘Smoothies in 1991.’ According to this line, it is better to accept your defeat when you lose than to keep obsessing over it. Focusing on your present self is more important to having a bright future. And everyone changes; it is usually said that change is the only constant in life, and it is normal for you to change and evolve. And usually, bad experiences and losing in certain aspects of life are what change your personality as a person and shape you for your betterment.
2. “I got a lot of shit on my plate, but maintain.”
This line is from June’s hip song, Till Next Time Love. According to a broader perspective, everyone in this world is carrying a load of problems on their back. Everyone’s platter is filled with problems, some they can’t even share. The best thing to do is manage those problems and work through them individually. And if something is not in your hands, or you feel that there is something that you can’t fix, just let it go. Holding on to something that doesn’t let you succeed or move forward is only meant to be left behind.
3. “I could have got a job, but instead, I chose the fast lane.”
This line is from Larry June’s song, ‘Smoothies in 1991.’ When discussing careers, it is seen that most youth these days fall in the race of, ‘Who earns the most?’ or, ‘Who has the most awards?’ Sadly, many people succumb to this and become workaholic robots with no happiness in their life whatsoever. And they remain under someone and have no authority in their work life. To remain happy, follow your passion and be in the fast lane. Being in the fast lane usually means doing something that excites you and has a competitive edge. Being in the fast lane can push you to become a better version of yourself and give your best in whatever you do.
4. “To live like this, you have to take L’s, and you have to fall off, you have to bounce back.”
This line is from Larry’s inspirational rap single, ‘Early Bird.’ It primarily states that no matter how many times you lose or fall down your track in life, you have to motivate yourself. Every time you feel as if you have been defeated, you have to gain all the strength within you and get right back up, or as June says, bounce back! True motivation comes from within, and no matter how many external factors you indulge in to push you to become a better version of yourself, you alone can bring a revolution in your life.
5. “Man up, had to leave it in the past.”
This is a line from the song, ‘Till next time love’ by Larry June. It implies that to man up or to become a bigger person, all you have to do is let go of the past. If you hold on to the things in the past, you won’t be able to move on to the next chapter of your life and will remain stuck in one place only, which is highly harmful when it comes to character development. And if you are stuck obsessing over something like that, no one can help you but you. In other words, it is better to leave worthless things in the past. It is for the best of yourself and is the only factor that can positively direct your life’s trajectory.
6. “I use my brain, never hands.”
This line is from the hit track by Larry June, Tracy, CA. It means that if you react to negativity with physical violence, it doesn’t do much except prove that you are a weak person. If you let your violent or intrusive thoughts win, no one is a loser then but you. Instead, try to think logically and use your mind. How did it happen? How could it have been avoided? What can be done in the future to prevent the situation from resurfacing? Or how else can it be handled? If you use your brain for analytical and logical reasoning and can control and channel your anger into different forms, then it is safe to say that you will succeed.
7. “I ain’t trying to hold nobody back, and I have my stuff.”
This line is from Larry’s song, ‘Till next time, love.’ One thing to keep in mind if you want to succeed in life is that you have to mind your own business and not let anyone else interfere with yours as well. Never try to bring someone down, and never hold anyone back. Just focus on your own life and do your own thing. If you interfere, in the end, you will only be affected by that because your intellect will always know that you did something terrible to someone, and hence, your mental peace will be disturbed, and the reason for that would be yourself.
8. “The main thing is consistency.”
The source of this quote is a Rolling Stone Interview that Larry June gave in August 2022. It shows that if you want to achieve your dreams and gain success in everything you do, the most important rule to follow is to remain consistent. Steadiness will elevate your score in whatever field that you are interested in or want to become successful in and bring uniformity into your life. Without consistency, you are bound to be stuck in the same stage of your life. Even though changes are necessary, be consistent with your life principles and the rules you believe in and follow.
9. “And if you knew better, you’d do better.”
These words are from the song, ‘My Queen’ by Larry June. Even though they seem simplistic and minimalistic, their meaning is profound. It is usually said that half-knowledge is dangerous. Half the truth is not enough to truly support you. It’s more harmful than beneficial. And to do better in life and gain an understanding of any concept of life, you need to gain complete knowledge on the subject or wander around thinking that you are much more of an expert than you are. You might even make a fool, which is unsuitable for your mental health. So, it’s better to educate yourself completely when talking about anything so that you have full of the concept you are talking about.
10. “I never go broke because I got more than three ways.”
Backups are critical in today’s expensive world. To have a full stomach and a roof over your head while still having money in your bank account, it has become essential for today’s world to have at least three sources of income. It also brings financial security, and if you have enough money, then money stress can also be reduced, which has become quite common in today’s youth, especially college students who have to fend for themselves. This is a line from June’s single, ‘Pleasant hill,’ which can be seen as an essential life lesson regarding financial education.
11. “All my good friends’ businessmen.”
It is another line from ‘Pleasant Hill’ by Larry June, which can be viewed as a sentence that conveys an important life lesson: to surround yourself with only the elite people, for example, businessmen. Having a good friend circle is scientifically proven to help you boost your mental health as your circle is what decides what type of people you let in in your life. Having a positive social circle is essential as a bad company can influence you to make unhealthy decisions that might be detrimental to your physical, financial, and mental status. Good friends also encourage you to avoid indulging in a sinful or unhealthy lifestyle.