Former president of America Ronald Raegan said that abortion is an actual murder without justification.
Ronald Raegan was an American Actor and later joined politics. The United States elected him as the 40th president of the country for the period of 1981 – 1989. He wanted to bring every civilian home prosperity, and he aimed to attain “Peace through strength”.
Ronald Wilson Reagan’s home place is Tampico, Illinois, on February 6, 1911.
He strived to revive the people of America and ensured to reduce the dependency upon the American government. He achieved what he wanted through Raegan Revolution and was satisfied after two terms of the presidency. His campaign pledge was “the great, confident roar of American progress and growth and optimism”.
Raegan spoke more about revolution, government ethics, self-growth, self-independence, and ethics. He has spoken more about child abortion as that becomes the trend during those periods. Let’s dive into a few of the best quotes about child abortion and learn a lesson.
1. “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born” -Ronald Raegan
Raegan believed that when the sperm enters the woman’s body and survives to make a magical egg is the time when the baby is born. Physical birth is secondary, according to him. If the baby forms inside the womb, it is human and is alive. It is a sin to kill the baby inside the womb. He affirms that the baby is already born. If you still abort, it is absolute murder. You cannot escape from it, he says. Abortion is an absolute killer, as per him. He assures that the baby was born at the time it forms. If it comes out of the womb, it is reborn and starts living in the real world.
2. “Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive). And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. -Ronald Raegan
Raegan says that if the scientists or even a god cannot prove if the child in the womb is not alive, if we are even confused about whether the child is alive or not, it is their right to come up into this beautiful world to live their life, enjoy the liberty and independence and to pursue the happiness they deserve. It is wrong to kill someone in the womb who deserves to live. The final moral stand is giving the perks to the assumption of liveliness, which justifies living in the world with liberty and happiness.
3. “Make no mistake, abortion-on-demand is not a right granted by the Constitution. No serious scholar, including one disposed to agree with the Court’s result, has argued that the framers of the Constitution intended to create such a right”. -Ronald Raegan
Former President Ronald firmly states that none of the constitutions has ever agreed to an abortion-on-demand. According to him, abortion is not a civil right demanded by the Constitution, so he asks everyone not to make a mistake. He affirms that it is liable for punishment. He also highlights that none of the people, including serious scholars, has ever raised a voice for the framers of the Constitution that they were intended to add a right to abortion. Whether the mistake is on a person or not, abortion is not a right to be demanded from the Constitution.
4. “Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves. Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide” -Ronald Raegan
Raegan discloses that if others are not qualified to survive this world and are being abandoned to abortion which is decided by others, it is hard to survive as a free nation. Because when we do not respect each other’s lives and later when there are no lives at all, there will be a nation? The Nation is not the land, and Nation is about the people. People should not kill other people. He brings in the example of Abraham’s words to highlight his intention.
He reminds us of another former president Abraham Lincoln and his words about unity. He states that Abraham said once that if few men decide the life of others and judge them to be fit for survival or fit for slavery, then no one can sustain the Nation as a free land, which means someone is always up there to cut us down and capture the land. So unity is the only essential thing that holds the free Nation together.
5. “Abortion is advocated only by persons who have been already born” -Ronald Raegan
This is such a strong sentence with intense words. He says that abortion is being advocated for pregnant people or their families by the person who has already been born and living their life with freedom, liberty of speech, and happiness. If the advocating person has been aborted in the womb, does he have the chance to suggest others abort the child? So he advises not to listen to such a wrong suggestion from an inhuman human.
People advise others not to do such things because they have already done that. They don’t like others enjoying the same happiness and liberty. It is a kind of sadist psychology of a human mind that always expects other’s life to be a hardship.
6. “With regard to the freedom of the individual for choice with regard to abortion, there is one individual who is not being considered at all, and that is the one who is being aborted” -Ronald Raegan
Raegan’s intention was one, and that is to eradicate the word abortion from human lives. He confesses that some people fight for abortion as if abortion is their right and their body because they have been given the freedom to think, live and speak. He asks the people who give the right to demolish others’ life. If fighting for abortion is considered freedom, then birth is the baby’s right to enter the world and speak alike. But the innocent in the womb is the victim who is not even aware of the happenings in the outside world and happily growing, so does not that life has the freedom to live as well! he asks.
7. “When the lives of the unborn are snuffed out, they often feel pain, pain that is long and agonizing”-Ronald Raegan
It is easy to abort the child for a time, but the pain for the person will be long-lasting and miserable. This pain is not just for an hour but for a lifetime. The pain in the heart cannot be cured with any medicines or painkillers. The woman undergoes a hell of a life when she loses herself.
It is hard to endure pain for a lifetime. For some, it may bring relief because of the unethical way of baby formation. But once the woman has been pregnant, it is hard for her to forget the incident and her blood. She will always be in pain that can never be cured.
8. “Unless and until proven that an unborn child is not a living human being, can we justify assuming without proof that it isn’t? No one has yet offered such proof; indeed, all the evidence is to the contrary.” -Ronald Raegan
The reasons for abortions are just assumptions and are produced for selfishness and self-satisfaction. Those reasons are conflicting with the truth of nature. None has submitted any proof against the liveliness of a child and the human being. So abortion cannot be justified in any form unless it is proven.
Scientists have discovered many inventions and mysteries beyond the challenges and risks. But, no scientists have ever confirmed that the unborn child is a dead human and have no functions. If it cannot be proved, aborting the child cannot be justified.
9. “There is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning.” -Ronald Raegan
If we cannot guarantee the right to be born and the right to live life to all human beings, no other rights that the Constitution created for society has zero meaning. Without life, human, and society, the rights are for whom? There is no such important work for us as to protect human lives. It does not matter if it is born or unborn. Every life has to be protected.
If human life cannot be preserved and someone considers that freedom, then there is no meaning in any other right for humans. Birthright is the first human right.
10. “One day, a pretty, fresh-faced young lady – intelligent and sincerely concerned – asked me if abortion wasn’t preferable to making a young, unmarried girl have a baby she didn’t want and which would, therefore, grow up unloved and probably turn out to be a criminal. I answered that she hadn’t considered it. I told her there were literally millions of people in this country who wanted but could not have children and who waited eagerly, sometimes for years, to adopt the baby she had described” -Ronald Raegan
Here, he describes a story of a young lady asking a question about abortion to Raegan. That young lady was trying to justify the reasons for abortion. She says that if the girl has not been aborted, the unmarried young girl who prefers abortion will give birth to a child who may become a criminal without love from her mom. This may create a tragedy within the family, she says. But, Ronald Raegan convinced her with the situation that there were so many million nostalgic people praying for a baby, and many few were anticipating the adoption of the baby she wanted to abort.
Many people out there are indeed regretting not having a child. At stages, they even prepare themselves to adopt the child. If a child is a blessing, it should not be smashed.
11. “I have been one who believes that abortion is the taking of human life . . . . The fact that they could not resolve the issue of when life begins was a finding in and of itself. If we don’t know, then shouldn’t we morally opt on the side that it is life? If you came upon an immobile body and could not determine whether it was dead or alive, I think you would decide to consider it alive until somebody could prove it was dead. You wouldn’t get a shovel and start covering it up. And I think we should do the same thing with regard to abortion.” -Ronald Raegan
Here also, he brings in an illustration to make the people clearly understand the topic of abortion. He says that if somebody cannot prove the stagnant human body is alive or dead, it means he is alive. Instead, we don’t confirm that he is dead and so cover him up with a shovel. He says the same formula applies here. If we cannot prove that the unborn child is dead, it is alive. We have to go with the fact, and that is moral. So if life is being aborted, it means killing. It is taking a human life, he argues.
I would have no idea if you left something for me to explain in these quotes. His words explain everything. And we must use only our conscience to decide on this topic. In all these quotes, he is saying only one thing, and that is not to abort a child.
12. “And there is the matter of abortion. We must, with calmness and resolve, help the vast majority of our fellow Americans understand that the more than 112 million abortions performed in America in 1980 amount to a great moral evil, an assault on the sacredness of human life.” -Ronald Raegan
Ronald looked at abortion as a serious matter. It mattered to him a lot whether it affected him or not. He points out the statistics that over 112 million abortions happened in America in 1980. He claims it would be an offensive action against the divinity of human life.
He considered abortion a national issue which has to be stopped immediately. Because he felt that they were already lost many lives, and he did not want to happen more.