Originally written as a manga series by Ken Wakui, published in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen magazine in 2017. As the manga gained popularity among the readers, it was adapted and animated by Liden films. The show made its debut on television in April and continued tillWhile September 2021.
The story has quite a few arcs but to summarise it. The plot revolves around our Protagonist Takemichi Hanagaki who has a very dull life. He is portrayed as some who is harassed by his strangers, boss and a few random noisy kids. But instead of standing up for himself, he choses to apologize.
While standing at a metro station and waiting for his ride Takemichi thinks of the decision he had taken in his entire 26 years of existence that had led him into such a sorrowful life. As he is pushed off on the railway tracks, things take a wild turn. At that point, the only thing he saw flashing in front of his eyes was his ex-girlfriend’s face.
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And the accident that was going to end his life miraculously changed it as this accident triggered a power inside of him that helped him to travel 12 years back in the time of his life. Currently, Takemichi’s ex-girlfriend died due to the chaos caused by the gang known as the Tokyo Mangi Group. He accidentally travels back in time and tells his ex-girlfriend’s brother about the accident, which would happen 12 years later.
Takemichi returns to the present time and learns that the future also changes as he changes the past. The small boy who remembered that date manages to save himself, not his sister. So with the help of Takemichi’s new power, both of them land on a mission to save the girl from dying and prevent the Tokyo Mangi Group from becoming a criminal organization.
As the story continues, we are introduced to many new characters, one of which is Chifuyu Matsuno.
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The vice president of the 1st Division of the Tokyo Mangi Group, he stands to be a loyal person with a logical demeanor. Being the vice president Chifuyu has control over his division. Chifuyu is seen as someone loyal and protective of his loved ones. He refuses to stand in a fight with his loved ones. He is an advisor to Takemichi and vows his loyalty to Baji, a member of the Tokyo Mangi Group. Chifuyu hates those prideful upperclassmen who abuse their power in the wrong way.
Chifuyu is not someone who should be taken lightly because of his personality. The one who seems to be caring and doesn’t hesitate to show his emotional side once held an important position in his school life. Not only was he a strong person, but he also showed his disgust towards the higher authority, who misused their power for their gains.
Voiced by Sho Kario in Japanese and Adam Mc Arthur in English, let’s take a look at some of his famous quotes.
1. “I’ll help you to get to the top of Toman if you help me out with what I’m trying to do.”
In a conversation between Takemichi and Chifuyu, Chifuyu explains the bizarre behavior of Baji to Takemichi. He explains that it was all part of the plan to infiltrate Valhalla, and to do so, Baji must gain their trust. Chifuyu wants to help Baji in this dangerous mission, so he asks for help from Takemichi. In return for his favor, he would help Takemichi rise a the head of Toman.
2. “Because I have been by his side for so long.”
Continuing with the above conversation, Chifuyu shows his loyalty toward his friend Baji who took a mission to infiltrate Valhalla. Chifuyu wants to be a part of this mission to stay close to his friend and protect him. Chifuyu’s loyalty and affection towards Baji as a friend make him one of the show’s most loved characters.
3. “Better check yourself, dude. You went beyond failing to read the mood.”
Takemichi is seen to try his level best to prevent the Tokyo Mangi Group from becoming a criminal organization. For that, he must make some risky decisions, and that’s why without stammering a single word, he bravely expresses his desire to become the head of Toman in front of Mikey, who is, in fact, the President of Tokyo Mangi Group. In comparison, walking down the roads with Chifuyu, who adds that it was not only brave but also a stupid thing to do in front of the leaders of the Tokyo Mangi Group.
4. “I brought you something like I promised, Baji-San.”
After the death of Baji, Chifuyu is heartbroken and depressed as someone who is emotional, who is not scared to show off his emotions, is now lost without his true friend. In this last tribute to his friend, he brings some food and places it in the grave of Baji. He remembers their first encounter when they shared a particular food together. This particular scene shows the affection he has for his friend.
5. “Just focus on the guy in front of you partner. I’ll watch your back.”
As we can see, a fight breaks between the Tokyo Mangi Group and Valhalla. The members of both the teams are delinquent who won’t show mercy in the other team. Takemichi who lacks fighting skills gets in between this feud of two rival members. Protecting our Protagonist enters Chifuyu was handles the fight and helps him as well.
6. “There isn’t a single person who’s not afraid of a fight. What’s important is how you handle it.”
One of the most important quote said throughout the series by Chifuyu. Not always when a fight breaks down both sides would face it bravely. No matter how much strong you are each and every one has someone or something important and whom they want to protect no matter what kind of situation prevails in front of them. To see such a character who understands the importance of friendship and bonds created by people createsa breath of fresh air for all the viewers.
7. “If you want to take down Kisaki now, you’ll be going against Mikey.”
With his brave attempt Chifuyu tries to stop Baji from taking the life of Kisakiwho is the new member of the Tokyo Mangi Group. Baji joined Valhalla because he was suspicious about Kisaki, who, for his own personal gains, is playing a dirty game by provoking the members of rival gang to fight among themselves. Chifuyu, who is protective of his friend doesn’t want him to land on the wrong side, which is why he attempts to stop him from doing the heinous work.
8. “If you really wanna get past me, then I won’t hold back.”
As to the previous attempt to stop Baji from killing Kisaki Chifuyu stands with his strong determination stands in front of him. He tries his level best to make his understand the sensitivity of the situation. Baji on the other hand is determined to take Kisaki down. As Chifuyu’s words fail to have an impact on Baji’s mind he decides to fight against him, which by far we all got to know is not the nature of Chifuyu’s character.
9. “Why the hell are you dressed like that when you can’t even write ‘tiger’?”
After the death of Baji we are introduced with the scenes of their childhood. Before this major glow up, Baji was a nerd whereas Chifuyu was the popular one mostly for picking up fight with other students. Chifuyu never dreamed of becoming a delinquent and disliked their lifestyle.
But soon a news circulates among the school about a particular student who has failed and repeating his classes and could be a delinquent. Chifuyu decides to take care of this particular member, which is why he visits his class and is surprised to find a a person who dresses like a nerd but can’t write the word ‘tiger’ properly. This was the first meeting of Baji and Chifuyu.
10. “The first person I thought was cool and the first person I decided to follow.”
While returning back from the school, Chifuyu meets with some members of a small gang. They ruthlessly beats him up. Even though Chifuyu had the necessary fighting skills he was in a tight position as he found himself surrounded by many people around him. When everything felt like a losing hope for him, Baji makes his entry. A nerd who can’t even pronounce the word ‘tiger’ can beat up some guys as if it was like a piece of cake for him. Seeing this cool side of Baji, Chifuyu instantly feels a sense of admiration for him and decides to stick by his side for the rest of his life.