“18th July 1964. That is the date when I died.”
Tell me, Have I succeeded in lighting up the fire of curiosity in your mind? If the answer is no, then this genre might not be for you, but if your answer is yes, then this whole segment is going to fulfil your expectations.
Mystery novels or stories have surfaced around for quite some time and are equally a popular genre of English literature. The main reason behind the popularity of this genre is that it constantly challenges our minds. We are constantly provided with hints and clues to figure out the story or the culprit by ourselves. The stories are more like a puzzle, and puzzles are always exciting to solve.
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The most interesting puzzle to solve is – people. People are like puzzles. You may not know what is going on inside the mind of a person who is sitting beside you. You may never know the things that motivate them. Mystery stories give a glimpse into the minds of different people that we may never get in real life. They show us the motivation and reason behind their actions.
Mystery stories always appeal to our sense of curiosity. The urge to find a reason behind their psychological moves is what drives our curiosity. They ask the readers to think for themselves rather than follow around. Have you ever wondered why people enjoy all sorts of conspiracy theories? Because they want to find a reason behind it.
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You can’t just shake it off, claiming it to be the work of some unknown forces. We all want to find a valid reason which is why this particular genre appeals to most of the audience.
If you’re still looking for some mysterious quotes, then you have arrived at the right place. Here is a list of some of the mysterious quotes that will appeal to your mind.
1. “Mysteries abound where most we seek for answers.” – Ray Bradbury
When we embark on a journey to find the answers to the questions that have made our minds restless, we tend to get surrounded by mysteries. The mysteries make our journey much more interesting rather than the destination. Mysteries always remind us that there is more to the world than the way we view it.
2. “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.” – Albert Einstein
If you have an open mind, then you will be more interested in accepting new ideas, thoughts and adventures. Moreover, if you have to encounter any chaotic situation, then you will face it with a positive and curious approach. So never let go of the curiosity that has been burning inside of your mind.
3. “It is only through mystery and madness that the soul is revealed.” –Thomas Moore
One has to travel through the roads of mystery and madness in order to find themselves. During the toughest times, a person reveals his true nature. We all wear a mask to hide a part of ourselves that we are afraid to show in front of the world. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of push, and then we are free. And once you have experienced the taste of freedom, there is no going back to being normal.
4. “I’m for mystery, not interpretive answers…. The answer is never the answer.”–Ken Kesey
The quest to find answers to each mystery is quite an interesting one in itself. If we witness anything mysterious in our life, our curious mind takes the lead, and we drive ourselves to find the answers behind those mysteries. We often forget the minute detail that if we seek mystery, we will continue to seek it for the rest of our life. One can never find a definite answer. You can find answers to satisfy your initial curiosity, but that will never be enough. Mysteries are much greater than the definite answers.
5. “All those who try to unveil the mysteries always have tragic lives. In the end, they are always punished.” –Anais Nin
The journey to unveil the mysteries may be appealing, but the ones who embark on this journey are often met with tragic ends. Either they suffer from great losses, or they have to endure severe punishment. To walk down this path, not only do you need courage, but at the same time, you have to prepare your mind for the consequences of your decisions. And if you still choose to pursue those mysteries, then don’t worry about the destination; instead, enjoy the journey. It will be worth every second of your life.
6. “The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” –Albert Einstein
We must embrace the mysteries and be equally excited about them. We must hold on to the sense of wonder if we can no longer wonder about the mysteries that surround us and that we are as good as a dead person. The world of mysteries is filled with fear and excitement. It is a forbidden knowledge that most of us cannot penetrate in this life. To sense something which is beyond our knowledge and reasoning can be equally exciting and terrifying as well.
7. “The Mysteries are gateways, thresholds between this world and the Otherworld, the meeting place of gods and people.” – Caitlin & John Matthews
Sometimes we all search for ways to connect with the divine one, and sometimes certain mysteries could lead us to the gateway that connects both worlds. Often times we have heard the news of some kind of secret societies that would perform rituals in order to connect with the divine one. We shake off that news as some kind of funny rumours or some interesting conspiracy theories. But behind each conspiracy theory lies a mystery which is not meant for the faint hearts.
8. “There is always a pleasure in unravelling a mystery, in catching at the gossamer clue which will guide to certainty.” –Elizabeth Gaskell
Why do you think people chase like mad people to uncover the mysteries that they have been surrounded by throughout their life? Because they find pleasure in it. The chase brings them the pleasure that, in return, satisfies their curiosity. Some may view this as utter madness, while for some people as a step to understanding the mysteries of the universe.
9. “As soon as the mystery is stood alongside the familiar details of the world and compared with this or that thing, we immediately lose it. To lock it into concepts, to circumscribe it with adjectives, is a wishful attempt to bring it into the range of calculation.” – Stephen Batchelor
The reason why mysteries appeal to us is that we seek to find the reasons behind them. If we find something which is beyond our knowledge and reasoning, we will always seek the logical answers behind this chaos. If you do not have an open mind, than this might become difficult for you to accept it. Mysteries can give shape to one’s mind. You can either become curious about it, or you can throw it off as some baseless conspiracy theories.
10. “Mystery is the magnet of inquiry.” –Edward Counsel
Mysteries seek more mysteries. There is never an end to this. Mysteries will lead to inquiry which will further lead to many more mysteries. You may find some answers to satisfy your curiosity, but if you are clever and wise enough, then you are quite aware that there is no end to it. Those mere answers will never be enough for all those unsolved mysteries lying ahead of your path.
11. “It doesn’t matter how much time you spend rationalizing. The occult and the mysterious is still occult and mysterious.” –Natsume Soseki
Remember this quote by heart. If you still believe there is a logical answer to every mystery, then you are completely wrong about it. No matter how much of your time you spend on providing rational answers to every mystery, it will never be enough. The mysteries will continue to sprout into many more mysteries. There will never be an end to it.
12. “The unwanting soul
Sees what’s hidden,
And the ever-wanting soul sees only what it wants.
Two things, one origin but different in name,
Whose identity is mystery.
Mystery of all mysteries,
The door to the hidden.” –Laozi
There will always be two kinds of souls- the one who isn’t bothered by logical reasoning and the one who seeks logical reasoning behind each thing. Then what’s the difference between them? The one who is not bothered by logical reasoning will truly see what is hidden.
No matter how many dark or ugly things will get, he will embrace them with his open hands, while the other who demands logical reasoning will never see what he wants to see. He will never understand the truth and will only accept it if it falls under his logical mind. Both of the minds have one origin – mystery. But the one who is capable of handling the unknown will see the unknown.