Best Quotes About Dinosaurs by Some of The Most Prominent Celebs of Today

A diverse group of reptiles made their first appearance during the Triassic period. They are extinct now, but the topic of the evolution of dinosaurs will always remain a fascinating and well-interested subject. Why do people show such huge interest in the creatures whose existence was erased from the rest of the world before the evolution of mankind? Well, there are many reasons, but the most important one is our undying curiosity.

Thanks to the movies and stories that we have watched or read about them, we have created our own version of those creatures. Yes, I’m talking about the franchise “Jurassic World,” which has created a huge fan base regarding dinosaurs.

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Now let’s jump back to our topic of discussion of why people are so fascinated by dinosaurs. First of all, let’s talk about their size. The physical size of the dinosaurs has always been a source of fascination for the audience. The concept of dinosaurs has fuelled the imagination that no other creatures could ever match their humongous size.

Moreover, when those creatures come alive due to 3D animation, it just simply adds another aura to their existence. But not all of them were huge in size.

The numerous fossils that paleontologists have discovered came to the conclusion that all of those creatures had different shapes and sizes. Some had large sickle claws, while others had helmet-like bones on their skull. For people like us, we consider dinosaurs as mythical creatures; we wish they were real, except dinosaurs were real and existed as well.

This may not sound reassuring, but people like to witness the havoc unleashed by those creatures on the big screen. People expect all sorts of gory sequences in the film. It brings them a pleasure as those creatures hunt down their prey.

Lastly, the thing that makes them much more interesting is the story about their extinction. As well all know that the dinosaurs became extinct when an asteroid hit the surface of the earth. The collision spewed dust and debris, which blocked the sunlight for a long time, ultimately wiping out the existence of dinosaurs from the world.

The concept of dinosaurs will never die. As with every new fossil discovery, we are enlightened with the knowledge about their existence.

Now, let’s talk about dinosaur quotes. Quotes about dinosaurs could either signify their existence or their size. And as we are talking about it, let’s take a look at some of the quotes regarding the dinosaurs.

1. “The reality is you either step into the future, or you become a dinosaur.” –M.Shadows


The world is not static; it’s dynamic. The world is constantly changing. If you want to achieve something in your life, then you cannot just sit back and relax. You need to step up and work towards your goal. If you choose to sit back and relax before achieving your goals, then your dreams might end up as dead as the dinosaurs.

2. “An asteroid or a super volcano could certainly destroy us, but we also face risks the dinosaurs never saw: An engineered virus, nuclear war, inadvertent creation of a micro black hole, or some as-yet-unknown technology could spell the end of us.” – Elon Musk

The risk of being destroyed by an asteroid or a super volcano will always remain a possibility that will scare our minds but right now, we are at the risk of much bigger threats. As technology advanced to make our lives better, it also created some major threats as well. The probability of being destroyed by the invention of mankind remains much higher than being destroyed by any kind of supernatural calamity.

3. “Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations.”- Steve Miller 

That is absolutely true. Dinosaurs have been extinct for more than 65 million years ago, but their stories are still circulated and will continue for many more upcoming generations. Due to the advancement of technology, we can now witness their story on the big screens. With the help of our imagination, we can now recreate the shapes and sizes of those humongous creatures.

4. “If the human race ever stops acting on the basis of what it thinks it knows…then Homo sapiens will be making its application for membership in the dinosaur club.”– Henry T. Davis

As humans, we should learn to respect some things in our life. We cannot possess the upper hand in all crucial situations. We should never be boastful of our knowledge. The dinosaurs who once ruled on this planet freely never knew about the upcoming dangers. So we should be wise and stop acting on the basis of what we think we know.

5. “The dinosaurs disappeared because they could not adapt to their changing environment.”– Arthur C Clarke


The dinosaurs lived and roamed freely on the grounds. Not only were they humongous in size, but they also carried some other qualities as well. Once the asteroid hit the surface, the collision resulted in the destruction of flora and fauna. The sunlight was blocked as well. They couldn’t understand their surroundings and failed to adapt to them. As they couldn’t adapt to their surroundings, they slowly disappeared from the planet.

6. “The dinosaurs are remembered only by their bones. What will we be remembered for with humanity?”– Kanye West

Now that is a really interesting question. The reason we discovered the existence of dinosaurs was the result of archaeological discovery – fossils. If fossils didn’t exist, there was hardly any way of remembering the creatures. But what about humanity? How are we going to leave our mark? If we don’t leave any mark behind us, will we be remembered? That’s the question that is still left to be answered.

7. “If we measured success by longevity, then dinosaurs must rank as the number one success story in the history of land life.”–Robert T. Bakker 

The dinosaurs survived for over 130 million years. If it wasn’t for the collision of the asteroid hitting the surface, no one knows for how many years they would have ruled the planet. Maybe they would co-exist with us. And now, as they are extinct, we should not judge them as some inferior creatures who couldn’t adapt to the change in their surroundings. Our mankind has no guarantee about how many more years we are going to survive. There is no guarantee of our existence, so we must be careful before judging others as inferior.

8. “There’s no environment I can think of that would have remained constant enough to preserve dinosaur DNA.” – Hendrik Poinar

In the movies, no matter how much convincing they try to act and make us believe that we could co-exist with dinosaurs, in reality, the possibility of such scenarios remains quite low. The environment where the dinosaurs once resided is completely different from the ones where we exist. As technology advanced, we received gifts as well as the curses such as pollution, global warming etc.

9. “Fossils have richer stories to tell – about the lub-dub of dinosaur life – than we have been willing to listen to.” – Robert T. Bakker

The fossils were the main evidence regarding the existence of dinosaurs. The preserved remains of those creatures tell us stories about their existence. The fossils fuelled up our imagination about dinosaurs. Not only do they tell us the sizes of the creatures but many stories as well.

10. “It’s very simple why kids are crazy about dinosaurs – dinosaurs are nature’s Special Effects.” – Robert T. Bakker


Special effects can make any film, show or game much more interesting for the audience. They add extra life to the art. In a much similar way, dinosaurs could be regarded as the special effects of nature. Compared to the rest of the animals and birds living on this planet, dinosaurs were completely different than the rest of them. No other creature could ever match their presence.

11. “Of all extinct life forms, dinosaurs are the most popular. Why that should be is not clear.” – Isaac Asimov

Dinosaurs were not the only living creatures who went extinct. There are many more creatures as well who went into extinction. But why is the story of the extinction of dinosaurs much more popular than the rest of them? The reason is they had a tragic story behind their extinction. The collision of an asteroid with the earth’s surface came as their doom. Not a single creature could survive the collision.

12. “Sixty-five million years ago, the dinosaurs had a bad day.” -Phil Plait

65 million years ago, they really had a bad day. That was the day they would cease to exist on the planet. The mighty creatures who roamed across freely had to meet a devastating end. The magnitude of the collision was so powerful that they had to surrender their lives. They couldn’t escape from their doom.

That was all about dinosaurs. I know the stories about the extinction of dinosaurs may sound tragic, but it also teaches us a lesson about our existence. Nothing is this world is permanent, and uncertainty will always stay by your side. You cannot be too sure about anything in life. Don’t think that the end of humanity will be the ultimate end of everything. Dinosaurs once existed. After their extinction, life still prospered. Even after the end of human life will still prosper. So don’t act like a jackass. Be wise and stay wise.

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