We all love reading quotes, especially if the quotes are unique and have motivational values. Motivational quotes make us feel good and inspired. There are a lot of quotes that can make us feel excellent. Harvey Specter’s quotes are unique and are a character from The Suits. This article will share Harvey Specter quotes that you will love. Harvey Specter is a fantastic character from the series Suits.
So if you all are finding Best Harvey Specter Quotes, please continue reading this article as in this article, we will share some amazing Harvey Specter quotes!
1. “Create a situation where failure isn’t even a possibility.”
This quote means that we need to create or do things so that failure will be nowhere, and there will be no possibility of failure. His crystal clear vision is one of the unique characteristics of this series.
2. “I’m not about caring. I’m about winning”
This quote is another quote that tells us about the winning habit of Harvey Specter. This quote can make us feel inspired to work hard in life to achieve our goals. In this quote, we again see his no-care attitude.
3. “Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.”
The quote means that if anyone is trying to bring us down is someone who is already below us, as the one above us does not even care if we are below. So this quote tells us about people who do not want good for us.
4. “Life has two rules 1. Never quit. 2. Always remember rule #1.”
This quote means to keep going towards your goal no matter what. We should never quit and be focused on achieving our goals in life. This quote is one of the best Harvey Specter quotes. This quote can be used as an Instagram caption, or you can also share this quote with your friends if you want to
5. It’s not a problem if you always win.”
This quote means that winning is a habit. And we all know that Harvey loves winning as it is his habit to win everything in life. So, this quote is profound meaning and can also be used as an Instagram caption. But, this quote is a little bit arrogant kind of a quote.
6. “You always have a choice.”
This quote means that no matter what happens in our life, we always have another choice to prove ourselves. So many people break down because they think they have no other choice, but we all have another option, and if anyone says that we have no choice, it is just an excuse as we always have a choice.
7. “I don’t pave the way for people…… People pave the way for me.”
This quote shows Harvey Specter’s crystal clear vision. In this quote, he tells us that he doesn’t make way for other people, but other people make way for him. Everyone should watch the series at least once so that you all learn new things in life.
8. “I win. That’s what I do.”
This quote shows Specter’s winner mentality. In this quote, he tries to tell us about his winning habit, and losing is not his cup of tea. The kind of confidence he has is something we all want in our lives, which is just amazing. We all want to win everything in our lives, and we all want to achieve our goals so that we get whatever we want. So this quote is very motivational.
9. “I refuse to answer that on the grounds I don’t want to.”
The quote means he tries not to answer the questions he does not want to. The section shows us Harvey Specter’s arrogant and cocky side, which is confidence. We can learn a lot of things from the character of Harvey Specter. Motivational quotes make us feel good and inspired. There are a lot of quotes that can make us feel excellent.
10. “I’m against having emotions, not against using them.”
The meaning of the quote is to use emotions against people. This quote is more psychological as it talks about feelings and how he is not against using emotions against other people. The quote is excellent, and it also teaches us about new things.
11. “Life is a game. Play to win”
This quote means that you need to play life’s game, and if you play or work hard, you will surely win. So this quote can inspire us to work hard to achieve our goals and win the game of life, and to win something in life, we need to play the game first.
12. “If you write Midnight Train to Georgia, you don’t just sing it once.”
The meaning of this quote is perfect. You do not sing Midnight Train to Georgia once. You always sing it more than once. The quote is a little bit funny, kind of, and the quote is not that bad. This quote can make us feel good. The quotes from the series are great.
13. “97% of people who gave up are employed by the 3% who never gave up.”
This quote is also about the work ethic as the only hard workers are the CEOs and the rest are just their companies’ employees. This quote is one of the most famous Harvey Specter quotes, and this quote is unique and motivational. This quote is fantastic and is one of the best Specter quotes.
14. “When achieving your goal is more important than partying, welcome to the 1%.”
The quote means to work hard every day and let the work be more important than partying, and work is only essential for the 1%, as the rest of the people only want to drink. This quote is very motivational, and if this quote does not make you feel motivated, believe me, nothing else will motivate you.
15. “I’m not interested in great; I want to know who its daddy is”
Harvey Specter, in this quote, wants to tell us that he is not at all interested in who is excellent as he knows who the real daddy is. He considers himself the best; it does not matter who is the best as he is the winner. He does not care about anyone else and is also not interested.
16. “Tell me I can’t, and I will embarrass you.”
The confidence of Harvey Specter is unmatched as he says that there is nothing he can’t do, he can do anything in life, and if anyone thinks he can’t do anything, it means that he will embarrass the other person.
17. “Confidence isn’t they will like me; confidence for me is I’ll be fine if they don’t.”
This quote shows how confident Harvey Specter is; he means that if people do not like him, that’s okay. He is delighted with himself, and confidence is about how you carry yourself in difficult situations. This is a very motivational quote. This quote is fantastic and shows how bad Harvey Specter’s character is in The Suits.
18. “It’s me vs. me. Everyday. Always has been”
The quote means that there is no other competition other than you. It would help if you competed with yourself to win every day and you do not have to compare yourself with other people, you s; you always give your best shot every single day as the completion is between you. Be unique and be the best version of yourself.
19. “They think you care; they’ll walk all over you.”
The meaning of this quote is that if you start taking care of each and everything, they will take you for granted and will walk over you. This quote is fantastic and is one of the best Specter quotes. The quote is more like a life lesson. We can learn many things from this quote which can make us achieve many things in life.
20. “It’s not bragging if it’s true.”
Harvey Specter says this quote: if things are accurate, we don’t have to brag about it. This quote shows the softer side of Harvey Specter’s character. This quote can be considered one of the best Specter quotes from The Suits. The string should be watched by everyone at least once.
21. “Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.”
This quote means to work hard and be successful so that everyone knows us and we no longer have to tell ourselves who we are. This quote is about hard work and work ethic, as these things will help us grow in life and the profession.
22. “Those would all be shades of I don’t give a shit.”
The meaning of this quote is that it will not be shades of grey, but it will be shades of I don’t give a shit, and it shows how badass and savage the character of Harvey Specter is. Harvey Specter’s quotes are unique, and he is a character from The Suits. This quote is very savage, and you can use this quote as an Instagram caption.
23. “I like to smile at people who don’t like me.”
This quote from the series shows us Harvey Specter’s no-care attitude as he, no matter if people like him or not, will keep on smiling as he knows who is the best. The character of Harvey Specter is a little bit arrogant as he is very confident.
24. “I don’t play odds; I play the man.”
The meaning of this quote is that he doesn’t like to play things oddly; he plays the man. The purpose of this quote is a bit deep. This quote shows us Harvey Specter’s other side. The quote from the series Suits is fantastic. The quotes are unique and have motivational values.
25. “Let them hate. Just make sure they spell your name right.”
The quote means that letting people hate you do not stop them but always make sure they spell your name correctly. The quote is a very badass quote that shows confidence. Harvey Specter is a character that we can admire, and we all want to be like him.
26. “Ever loved someone so much that you would do anything for them? Yeah, well, make that someone yourself and do whatever the hell you want.”
The quote means that you love yourself and do whatever you want. The section makes us feel good and gives us the confidence to do whatever we want with our life. The quote is very savage and has a lot to learn from this quote. People can also relate a lot to this quote.
27. “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.”
This quote is very savage and shows how confident he is. This quote means that he is so awesome that he can’t hear what others say about him and knows who he is. However, nothing can destroy his confidence. His character is unique and one of a kind.
28. “I don’t have dreams; I have goals.”
The quote’s meaning is that Specter does not have dreams; he says I have goals. This quote can be used as an Instagram caption, or you can also share this quote with your friends if you want to. This quote also shows the work ethic of Harvey Specter. This quote is one of the best Harvey Specter quotes.
29. “Don’t raise your voice. Improve your argument.”
The quote means don’t raise your voice; improve your argument. This quote shows us Harvey Specter’s cold attitude towards life. Harvey Specter’s character can inspire us, and everyone should watch this series at least once in a lifetime.
30. “Unless you’re looking to make me breakfast tomorrow, I think we’re done.”
This quote is fantastic and is one of the best Specter quotes. This quote means that unless anyone makes him breakfast for the next day, he thinks he’s done. This quote is a little bit funny.
31. “Winners don’t make excuses when the other side plays the game.”
The quote means that winners don’t make excuses when the others are having fun. The extracts from the series are unique and can motivate us to achieve great things in life and help us change ourselves.
32. “Kill them with success and bury them with a smile.”
This quote is very famous, and the meaning of it is that we should be so successful that we should kill them with success, and we should always have a smile on our faces. This quote is one of the best Specter quotes. The selection is fantastic, and it can motivate anyone.
33. “Goals so big you get uncomfortable telling small-minded people.”
This quote means that we set the goals so high that we get uncomfortable while saying it to small-minded people. Next time, mark the passages while watching Suits, as these quotes are motivating and can uplift your spirit.
34. “Loyalty is a two-way street. You’re getting it from me if I’m asking for it from you.”
The quote means that Harvey Specter is loyal if you are loyal to him, as his loyalty is like a two-way street. The section has a deep meaning and is a good quote as it teaches us about patriotism. Always remember that loyalty is a two-way street.
35. “I don’t get lucky; I make my luck. And in this case, it’s bleeding you dry.”
The meaning of this quote is that Harvey Specter does not get lucky. He works hard and makes his luck. The quotes of Harvey Specter are amazing. This quote can motivate us and is probably a tough hitting and one of the best Harvey Specter quotes.
36. “When your back is against the wall, break the goddamn thing down.”
The quote means that if we do something that does not work, we are not working hard enough to make things happen in our life, so break the goddamn thing. The quotes of Harvey Specter are amazing. This quote is fantastic and is one of the best Specter quotes.
37. “Win a no-win situation by rewriting the rules.”
This quote means that we all can win a no-win situation by changing the rules and doing things the way we want to improve things. This quote is fantastic and is one of the best Specter quotes. Harvey Specter’s character is perfect, and the sections show it too.
38. “That’s the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small; I wanna win big.”
The quote means that others want to lose small, but Specter wants to win big. This quote has special meaning and is motivating as we all want to work hard, be the best, and win all the big things in life. This quote is the profound meaning and can also be used as an Instagram caption.
39. “Sometimes good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay.”
This quote means that good guys have to need to become a d guys to make the bad guys pay. The purpose of this quote is also badass, showing Harvey Specter’s no-care attitude. This one is a good Harvey Specter quote.
40. “The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
This is one of the best Harvey Specter quotes and this quote is fantastic. It means that we all need to work hard to succeed as success is the result of hard work, so if we work hard, it is already said that only time success comes before work is only present in the dictionary.
41. “I could agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”
Harvey Specter, in this quote, wants to tell us that he is correct, but the other person is wrong, and if he agrees with the other person, both can go wrong. But, as I have already said earlier, he is very confident about himself, and his vision is crystal clear, and that is why the character got so much recognition.
42. “Want to make a splash? Part the Red Sea”
This quote is one of the most famous Harvey Specter quotes, and this quote is unique and motivational. This quote is fantastic and is one of the best Specter quotes. The character of Harvey Specter is impressive from the series Suits. Next time try to mark the quotes while watching Suits. This quote has a powerful meaning.