Best Dragon Tales Quotes to Dive Into the World of Imagination & Re-live Your Childhood

“I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.” Growing up, we all heard these lines being sung in a colorful cartoon series called Dragon Tales. It was an animated educational children’s fantasy television series that aired from 6 September 1999 to 25 November 2005. The story of Dragon Tales revolves around two human kids called Emmy (6 years) and her younger brother Max (4 years) and the dragon world they go into, where they meet Ord, Cassie, Zak, Whezie, and Quetzal as dragon friends. The series has an overall three primary educational goals, which focus on teaching children to overcome their challenges and to take different approaches on the way. Emmy and Max embark on the journey of adventures with their dragon friends while facing obstacles, conquering fears, and achieving goals. With its translation into many languages, the series approached a larger section of children, making it a memorable part of their childhood.

This article takes inspiration from the Dragon Tales, a series that shows a better side of adventures. This list consists of famous dragon quotes which deal with a plethora of topics such as inner fears, obstacles, and boundaries, inspiration, confidence, among many others.

1. “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” – Dragon Tales

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Fairy tales are an important part of everybody’s growing years. They teach us those intricate lessons which widen our imagination and broaden our expressions. The one who believes in it understands that the dragons within us, the ones that hinder our path, can be beaten just the way they are always beaten in fairy tales.

2. “When someone criticizes or disagrees with you, a small ant of hatred and antagonism is born in your heart. If you do not squash that ant at once, it might grow into a snake or even a dragon.” – Dragon Tales

We human beings are always prone to acting on impulse and without thinking. This is why when somebody criticizes us; we make an enemy out of them in no time. It is important to stop for a while and acknowledge this feeling which has the power of becoming a dragon of hatred. We need to crush that hatred and accept the criticism as it is for our own good.

3. “Fairy tales are more than true.” – Dragon Tales

When a small child looks at fairy tales, he is completely absorbed in the adventures of the characters, so much so that, for him, the fairy tale is a true world where he wishes to take part in the adventure. This is the power of imagination for a child. We can take inspiration from them and believe in the existence of miracles even in a boring life.

4. “It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations if you live near him.” – Dragon Tales

This quote implies the fact that one should always be wary of the surroundings one lives in. They should always be aware of the good and bad people to understand their position in society. The dragon of bad habits can easily lure one towards itself. A conscious effort will keep them away from tripping in danger.

5. “Good and evil are a great deal more complex than a princess and a dragon . . . is not the dragon the hero of his own story?” – Dragon Tales

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It is a deep quote that propels us to think from a different angle. It is very easy to blame someone or judge them for their actions, but it is difficult to step in their shoes and see things from their perspective. In a typical fairytale, a dragon becomes the enemy of the prince, but in reality, it is important to get all the sides of the story before coming to conclusions.

6. “We’re our own dragons as well as our own heroes, and we have to rescue ourselves from ourselves.” – Dragon Tales

The quote encourages us to look within ourselves and see if we are the dragons of our lives or the heroes. We have to be on our guard always to walk on the right path and reach a table position. We have to be our helping hand to deal with our obstacles and problems. So, we have got to ask ourselves, are we the dragon or the savior?

7. “Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest, being something helpless that wants help from us.” – Dragon Tales

This quote, too, questions our ability to jump to conclusions without taking the whole picture into view. Something could be really terrible, but when we look closely, we’ll be able to see a dark story of helplessness. Similarly, in life, there can be many people who are helpless and afraid to say so. We should be kind enough to give them a helping hand before making them a villain of their story.

8. “Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination.” – Dragon Tales

A child’s imagination is a powerful thing. When it is molded in the right direction, it produces wonders that have the power to change the world. Fairytales provide children with the idea that there can defeat the evil, the dragon, with a little strength and self-confidence. It is from here they learn to become fearless.

9. “Stress is an important dragon to slay – or at least tame – in your life.” – Dragon Tales

It is not unknown that everybody in their life is struggling to defeat the dragon of stress at every point in time. It is something we deal with that makes us stronger if we come out successful.

10. “Speak politely to an enraged dragon.” – Dragon Tales

One should know how to deal with people who are easily angered. In a fight, you should never reply in anger, as it will only worsen the situation. To solve the matter, it is better to keep calm and talk things out instead of enraging. This is the best way to handle them.

11. “I always wanted to ride a dragon myself, so I decided to do this in my imagination.” – Dragon Tales

Imagination is a strong component of any person’s life. It is our imagination that shows us bright futures in our childhood in the form of astronauts, doctors, cricketers, teachers, and many more. It is the imagination that helps an artist to create masterpieces. Through this quote, we understand that if we want something, we have to imagine its presence within ourselves. It will encourage us to work hard for it.

12. “When the prison doors are opened, the real dragon will fly out.” – Dragon Tales

This is a powerful quote that encourages you to open your wings and take a big leap in the sky. There are so many people who restrict their talents as they fear judgment from the world. Once they leave that fear behind, they are able to show everyone that they are one of a kind. The real dragon of talent within them then presents its beautiful colors.

13. “The hunger of a dragon is slow to wake but hard to sate.” – Dragon Tales

If you have a desire which does not let you rest, then you are on the right path. It is a hunger to achieve something big that makes you a hard-working dragon that is charged in its own field. It is only true passion that will satiate its hunger.

14. “He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself, and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.” – Dragon Tales

If you are struggling a lot in life against something, you become part of the struggle itself. You can be frustrated while dealing with it, but it is this journey only that will make you stronger. It is the struggle that hardens you for future fights. Therefore we must never regret being in hard times as they are necessary for our own development.

  1. If you don’t believe in dragons,
  2. It is curiously true
  3. That the dragons you disparage
  4. Choose not to believe in you.

This quote can be understood in different meanings based on the context one takes it. As one can take it- it is important to believe in something to be able to make it real. If we only think about something and do not work to make it happen, it will only remain a dream that will never come true. So, belief in your dreams, and the dreams will believe in you.

Have these quotes been successful in giving you wings of imagination? Do you now identify yourself as a dragon that is powerful, or do you identify something in your life as a dragon against which you have to fight? Do let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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