Here is the list of Banana Fish quotes that show the deep bonds of friendship, life, and everything in between. Bananas is a manga action, and Shiho is based upon the work and illustrated by Akimi Yoshida. The movie then turned to anime with a 24-hour length. This is an intriguing investigation into a marijuana-related problem. It offers tough and sometimes undiscovered subjects in most anime films. Banana Fish’s theme has been death & violence but gives audiences a glimmer of hope. See the best anime lessons here. Let us start.
Below are the beautiful Banana Fish quotes showing that friendship and love can heal past hurts. The anime later became an anime series that had 24 episodes. This is an exciting take on serious issues not usually covered in anime.
Banana Fish Quotes on Universal Truth
1. “We are from different countries, and our skin and eyes are different colors. But so what? We are friends.” –Ash Lynx
As the quote suggests, there is only those set of differences that we want to acknowledge. Everything is a barrier created in our minds to divide people. One does not need to have a lot of similarities in terms of looks or the native region we belong to be friends. All one needs to make friends is its intention, and boom… A friend acquired.
2. “That guy always regarded me as a human being with a real heart, not some sort of tool.” –Ash Lynx
What would you do when you learn about the rare people who care about you? Will, it not melt you to the core? Guess what, that is the ultimate reaction we all have. People across the globe have the same response to it every time. But unfortunately, there are not enough people in our lives who treat us as human beings.
3. “Aren’t there any decent parents in this world?” –Anonymous
Only a few are lucky to have parents who extend a caring hand in a world that is evolving fast. We may not want to be aware of it, and some people had a rough childhood, as their parents were not kind to them. If we had a better childhood, we better feel lucky about it. But for those who do not, there is no shame in saying it out loud. You deserve to be heard.
4. “War is always good business for those in power.” –Anonymous
We see war every day around us. Do we not! It has become second to us. Every other day, some country is waging war against another. Other times, issues are happening in our country itself. And these people are always the ones high up on the social ladder.
5. “A bloody history is inevitable when you’re the ruling clan.” –Shorter Wong
With the speed at which we humans have been evolving and developing, it is hard to ignore history. And according to this quote Wong, every ruling clan has a bloody past. But again, the selection aint that wrong. If a family is in power, what are the chances of them reaching there without bloodshed? Very low if you ask us.
Banana Fish Quotes on Life
6. “Set me free. I’m in so much pain.” –Blanca
Have you ever wished for your pain to disappear? And how often do we do that? Every night, if you ask us. But this quote proves that we are not the only ones. Several other people like us are reading through life in the same manner. Many others the struggling in life in a similar way. Our advice? Hang in there, shawty. You doing great!!
7. “I know at least one person in this world cares about me. Who doesn’t want anything from me.” –Dino Golzine
What do you do when you feel low? Do you start by playing your favorite sad song and feel pity for yourself? Do you cuddle up in a ball and cry your heart out? This quote is for you, my friend! Whenever you feel low, remember that someone is thinking about you somewhere. And for them, you are the most special person.
8. “Sunrise and sunset are the only times this junkyard of a city looks good.” –Eiji Okumura
Are we all not struggling to make it through the day in this city of dreams? A town we thought, where anything can be possible. And now look at us! All this city does to us is suck out our lives like a sponge. But even the worst things have a silver lining to them. The town might be consuming all our energy, but it has its time when it looks the best and can make you fall in love.
9. “There’ve been countless times in my life when I thought I’d be better off dead.” –Ash Lynx
There are times when we get low and feel depressed. At other times, it also tends to make us question our entire life. These thoughts can sway us, so it’s always better to let them pass.
10. “If the former boss gets hit, then the new boss must make the drop.” –Yut-Lung
Now that is some quote worth remembering for a lifetime. This is a line that not only has the power to hold and retain your attention but also to offer you a way out when you may feel stuck. Always remember, that we may not be born great leaders. But there is no harm in guiding those who need it when necessary. After all, leaders are made.
Banana Fish Quotes on Reality
11. “You said I am not like ordinary people. If there were just one thing, I’d say that was true about.” –Dino
It is important to trust yourself. Always and forever. But it is equally essential to be in touch with reality. And that includes believing that you are precious and better than the rest. It is believing in the truth, that you are no ordinary person.
12. “Even if the world turns on you, I’ll always be on your side.” –Eiji Okumura
As we grow up, we sometimes seem to forget the line between reality and selfishness. So it becomes essential to be kind and giving towards others. That includes taking their side and supporting them when in need!
13. “Death looks sweet and peaceful, and unbearably enticing.” –Ash Lynx
Art is everywhere. Sometimes, we may end up patronizing death itself. Nothing wrong with that. We have a history of people doing it forever.
14. “Time is an ironic thing.” –Ash Lynx
Make us question every decision we made and whether that was even worth it. But that is not a way out. It may seem like mayhem, but there lies some good in the irony of time.
15. “If there are such things as devils, they’d probably look like you.” –Max Lobo
It may be very minute, but it will dig deep into our self-esteem. One needs to fight our demons. It is that death trap worse than the rat race we all are a part of. The need to feel special is so essential in us that we try to seek for it in various places. High time se we see it in ourselves.
Banana Fish Quotes on Self Confidence
16. “I never felt scared of you, not even once from the first time I met you.” –Eiji Okumura
And that is how every good bond starts. A lil self-confidence, a lil honesty, and trust in the other person. And what else do we need to establish a bond? First, it is essential not to be scared and always express our opinion. That’s how it begins.
17. “If we don’t fight back, we’ll forever be expendable tools.” –Sing Soo Ling
It is always important to raise our voices against any form of injustice. If we give in to it once, the people have a habit of taking us for granted and using us till there is nothing left. So don’t be expendable tools. Fight back. Now is the chance.
18. “Let’s say I am exceptional, right? The problem is, I never, ever, my whole life, wanted to be!” –Sergei Varishikov
We all feel low at times. What follows that? Insecurities. At times, when we get tired, we decide to give in to all the negative thoughts. But that’s not the way to go, shawty! Get up, and get grinding!
19. “Innocence can be more dangerous than guns sometimes.” –Dino
Have we all not fallen head over heels over a pretty face in our lifetime! Boy, that does bring back memories. And if we are so brave enough to ask how that went? We all know it only ends one way. And that is the takeaway from this quote. Someone may have an innocent face, but we may never know how cunning they can be in reality.
20. “If I’m going to die anyway, at least I’ll die trying!” –Eiji Okumura
It is always a do-or-die situation. Sometimes we may think it may be alright to give up. But that is not what we are discussing in this quote. Here, we are emphasizing not giving up till our last breath. And more importantly, it is less about giving up and more about giving in all the effort to achieve what we are focused on. And that is how we win, folks!
21. If I’m going to die anyway, at least I’ll die trying! ~Eiji Okumura
Constancy is the stepping stone, When something doesn’t work out the first time, people shouldn’t necessarily give up; instead, they should keep trying until they succeed. As there is one saying also work hard and stop not till the goal is reached.
22. Humans can change their destiny. They have wisdom leopards don’t. Besides, you’re not a leopard. ~Eiji Okumura
We can change our destiny by hard work and perseverance, Your potential is waiting to manifest in your destiny. It’s the pinnacle of possibility and the place where your dreams come true.
There are various paths that we can follow. However, not all of them lead to the final station, to which we must promptly return.
23. If you feel responsible, the same goes for me. ~Eiji Okumura
The realization that everyone is ultimately accountable for their actions is one of life’s most important and commonly acknowledged realizations. With our deeds and responses, we shape our future.
24. You are not alone, Ash. I am with you. My soul is always with you. ~Eiji Okumura
When we love and respect someone we don’t leave them in any situation, we make sure to stand with them through hell and heaven.
25. “What could be more relaxing than three days away from these guys?” – Ash Lynx
Sometimes spending time alone is what you need, Being alone for sometimes can bring lot of clarity in everyone’s life.
What is your favorite Banana Fish Quote?
Banana Fish is often classified in the form of the BBL Series. In 2019, it won the best Anime award. Ash Lynx has led the New York street gang from 17 to 17 years old. On the same night, Ash hears the phrase “banana fish” from an officer he killed. Banana fish takes on some weighty issues through gut-wracking scenes making it the saddest anime. 22 May 2021. Its quotations are even more enticing.